Bobble Helmet
Bobble helmet with matching collar
This helmet can be worn with or without all of its additional embellishments
Comes with
- 2 S-shaped hooks
- 2 wired bows - 60 and 70 cm long - to be twisted and attached as you like!!
- 4 strings - 45 ish cm long- to tie the wires in place
Handmade with acrylic yarn
Bobble helmet with matching collar
This helmet can be worn with or without all of its additional embellishments
Comes with
- 2 S-shaped hooks
- 2 wired bows - 60 and 70 cm long - to be twisted and attached as you like!!
- 4 strings - 45 ish cm long- to tie the wires in place
Handmade with acrylic yarn
Bobble helmet with matching collar
This helmet can be worn with or without all of its additional embellishments
Comes with
- 2 S-shaped hooks
- 2 wired bows - 60 and 70 cm long - to be twisted and attached as you like!!
- 4 strings - 45 ish cm long- to tie the wires in place
Handmade with acrylic yarn